Near completion

It has been a while since I have done an update and also an upload to the game. So here are a couple things I have done and added in. First off, I created the entire room as large as possible to make it feel as if you are an RC car traveling inside a bedroom. It took me a while to create the room and had some struggles with probuilder as well as making sure there isn't any Z-fighting, I hope that's the correct term by the way, to keep the game as colorful and closely to my room as possible. Second came the ordeal of fog in the game. Apparently the lighting setting in this game included fog from the beginning and it took me a while to be able to figure out how to disable the fog. Now the room is visible clear and possible to travel around without feeling lost and confuse. 

The demo is up and will give everyone a chance to drive around and get a feel of the game. There  are some ledges and ramps that needs to be fixed, so that will be priority number one once I return to it and making sure everyone has access to higher places.  I also am going to seek in putting in a boost to make the pace faster as well as making the car lighter as possible without launch or twirling on the map. Also audio is another important factor I will put in as well as giving  the option to try again or quit the game. 

I also open comments, so if you have any ideas or suggestions, please, feel free to comment on the game.  Any advice is truly appreciated and helpful.


Stunt Racer 25 MB
Sep 13, 2022

Get Stunt Racer HJ

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